
Let me sit. Light ray, steady pillar
Let me breathe. Connect. To myself, Dissolve into the It
Melt the barriers. Merge.

Time to inhale, deeply?
Oh! Wait. What?
Heart. Just here. In the heart.
I feel it. Savor it. Is it?
A message? From my dear friend?
Savor the feeling

Time to inhale, deep.
One more time.
Belly make space, heaven is growing.
The balloon is full, I seal it

One more time.
Yet the first time.
Strange consistence
As if a balloon, from another planet
Soft and light. Ethereal may be

New feeling. Strange feeling. Strange, or
Normal? Ethereal?

Juste est enseignant de Hatha Yoga, certifié RYT 500 par Yoga Alliance. Dans une ambiance conviviale, son enseignement privilégie l'expérience directe et l'appropriation. En dehors des tapis, il adore écrire des réflexions sur le Yoga dans la vie courante, les fameux Textos .
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