Dear friend

Dear friend,
Words are useless to express the feeling that transport my heart.
Sometimes I wonder if I am allowed to express those feelings.
I even wonder if I am allowed to feel these.

Dear friend,
I am grateful. Grateful to have witnessed my heart vibrate like this.
Vibrations so deep, so rare.
It feels like vibrations older than this body, older than the « you » and the « me ».

Dear friend,
You deserve happiness. Probably more than I do.
A dios. I recommend you to the gods.
May they care for you. May they be kind to you.
May they take you to freedom.

Adios. Y besos.

Juste est enseignant de Hatha Yoga, certifié RYT 500 par Yoga Alliance. Dans une ambiance conviviale, son enseignement privilégie l'expérience directe et l'appropriation. En dehors des tapis, il adore écrire des réflexions sur le Yoga dans la vie courante, les fameux Textos .
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